The SIMH breakpoint subsystem


Bob Supnik






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SIMH provides a highly flexible and extensible breakpoint subsystem to assist in debugging simulated code. Its features include:

  • Up to 26 different kinds of breakpoints [1]

  • Unlimited numbers of breakpoints

  • Proceed counts for each breakpoint

  • Automatic execution of commands when a breakpoint is taken

If debugging is going to be a major activity on a simulator, implementation of a full-featured breakpoint facility will be of immense help to users.

Breakpoint basics

SIMH breakpoints are characterized by a type, an address, a class, a proceed count, and an action string. Breakpoint types are arbitrary and are defined by the virtual machine. Each breakpoint type is assigned a unique letter. All simulators to date provide execution (“E”) breakpoints. A useful extension would be to provide breakpoints on read (“R”) and write (“W”) data access. Even finer gradations are possible, e.g., physical versus virtual addressing, DMA versus CPU access, and so on.

Breakpoints can be assigned to devices other than the CPU, but breakpoints don’t contain a device pointer. Thus, each device must have its own unique set of breakpoint types. For example, if a simulator contained a programmable graphics processor, it would need a separate instruction breakpoint type (e.g., type G rather than E).

The virtual machine defines the valid breakpoint types to SIMH through two variables:


Initialized by the VM (usually in the CPU reset routine) to a mask of all supported breakpoints; bit 0 (low order bit) corresponds to type “A”, bit 1 to type “B”, etc.


Initialized by the VM to the mask for the default breakpoint type.

SIMH in turn provides the virtual machine with a summary of all the breakpoint types that currently have active breakpoints:


Maintained by SIMH; provides a bit mask summary of whether any breakpoints of a particular type have been defined.

When the virtual machine reaches the point in its execution cycle corresponding to a breakpoint type, it tests to see if any breakpoints of that type are active. If so, it calls sim_brk_test to see if a breakpoint of a specified type (or types) is set at the current address. Here is an example from the fetch phase, testing for an execution breakpoint:

/* Test for breakpoint before fetching next instruction */

if ((sim_brk_summ & SWMASK ('E')) &&
     sim_brk_test (PC, SWMASK ('E'))) <execution break>

If the virtual machine implements only one kind of breakpoint, then testing sim_brk_summ for non-zero suffices. Even if there are multiple breakpoint types, a simple non-zero test distinguishes the no-breakpoints case (normal run mode) from debugging mode and provides sufficient efficiency.

When a breakpoint match is detected by sim_brk_test the global variables sim_brk_match_type and sim_brk_match_addr are set to reflect the details of the match that was found. Simulator code can use this information directly or SimH provides internal facilities to report the details of breakpoints which have been matched. For example:

BRKTYPTAB cpu_breakpoints [] = {
    BRKTYPE('E',"Execute Instruction at Virtual Address"),
    BRKTYPE('P',"Execute Instruction at Physical Address"),
    BRKTYPE('R',"Read from Virtual Address"),
    BRKTYPE('S',"Read from Physical Address"),
    BRKTYPE('W',"Write to Virtual Address"),
    BRKTYPE('X',"Write to Physical Address"),
    { 0 }

t_stat cpu_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
  /* ... */
    sim_brk_dflt = SWMASK ('E');
    sim_brk_types = sim_brk_dflt|SWMASK ('P')|
                    SWMASK ('R')|SWMASK ('S')|
                    SWMASK ('W')|SWMASK ('X');
    sim_brk_type_desc = cpu_breakpoints;
  /* ... */

In the breakpoint dispatch code something like:

reason = STOP_IBKPT;
sim_messagef (reason, "%s", sim_brk_message());
/* and then sim_instr() returns with: */
return reason;

Or, if it is desirable to suppress the standard message produced when returning to SCP, the following may be used:

reason = STOP_IBKPT;
reason = sim_messagef (reason, "%s\n", sim_brk_message());
/* and then sim_instr() returns with: */
return reason;

sim_messagef produces a message which contains either the breakpoint type and the matched breakpoint address (if sim_brk_type_desc is not set), or the type mapped to it related description as indicated in the BRKTYPTAB pointed to by sim_brk_typ_desc.

Testing for breakpoints

Breakpoint testing must be done at every point in the instruction decode and execution cycle where an event relating to a breakpoint type occurs. If a virtual machine implements data breakpoints, it simplifies implementation if data reads and writes are centralized in subroutines, rather than scattered throughout the code. For this reason (among others), it is good practice to perform memory access through subroutines, rather than by direct access to the memory array.

As an example, consider a virtual machine with a central memory read subroutine. This routine takes an additional parameter, the type of read (often required for memory protection):

#define IF  0   /* fetch */
#define ID  1   /* indirect */
#define RD  2   /* data read */
#define WR  3   /* data write */

t_stat Read (uint32 addr, uint32 *dat, uint32 acctyp)
     static uint32 bkpt_type[4] = {
         SWMASK ('E'), SWMASK ('N'),
         SWMASK ('R'), SWMASK ('W')
     if ((sim_brk_summ & bkpt_type[acctyp]) &&
          sim_brk_test (addr, bkpt_type[acctyp]))
          return STOP_BKPT;
     else *dat = M[addr];
     return SCPE_OK;

This routine provides differentiated breakpoints for execution, indirect addresses, and data reads, with a single test.

The replay problem

When a breakpoint is taken, control returns to the SIMH control package. Depending on the code structure of the simulated system and the particular type of breakpoint, a breakpoint may be taken before or after a specific activity has completed. If it is taken before the operation has actually been performed, when execution resumes, the same breakpoint will be reached and taken again immediately. This could result in an endless loop, with the simulator never progressing beyond a breakpoint.

To address this problem, when a breakpoint is taken, SIMH remembers the breakpoint that was taken and the instruction executed count when that particular breakpoint was taken. If the next breakpoint test for that breakpoint type is to the same address and the instruction execution count is the same, SIMH suppresses the breakpoint. Thus, the simulator can make progress past the breakpoint but will take the breakpoint again if control returns to the same address.

In order to properly suppress replay breakpoints it is important that the bookkeeping that a simulator does to record the instructions actually executed not be done when a breakpoint is taken. This bookkeeping is done by adjustments to sim_interval and subsequent calls to sim_process_event. If a simulator returns from sim_instr() due to a breakpoint, either the adjustment to sim_interval should be done after all breakpoint checking, or the return logic that handles breakpoints should unwind any sim_interval adjustment that may have happened.

Most simulators will implement a CPU execution breakpoint concept such that the breakpoint appears to be taken prior to the instruction at the breakpoint address having executed. This allows for the user to continue execution from breakpoint and the simulator will produce precisely the same results as if the breakpoint hadn’t been there. In order for this to be true, when a breakpoint is taken, not only must sim_interval be restored to its value prior to the breakpoint, but all other simulator specific state must also be retained. This state includes program counter, the contents of registers, condition codes, and memory that may have already changed prior to the call to sim_brk_test that causes the breakpoint to be taken. Achieving this is simplest with basic PC based execution breakpoints and gets more complicated with breakpoints based on various memory reference activities.

In most cases, all visible state changes made by the instruction before the breakpoint occurs should be reverted as part of the breakpoint processing. This avoids confusing users by having an instruction that appears not to have executed yet, but part of its effect is nevertheless already visible. For example, if a data write breakpoint is set for the second word of a double-word store instruction, the first word may have been written by the simulator before the breakpoint is recognized. If so, that first word should be restored. If fully restoring the visible state is impractical for some reason, it may be acceptable to restore less. If so, this needs to be clearly documented in the user documentation for the simulator. Also, in every case enough state must be restored that the instruction can be replayed correctly. For example, an add carry instruction that may encounter a breakpoint must preserve the carry, otherwise the replay will produce the wrong answer.

Some processors implement interruptible instructions, where intermediate state is held in registers and/or memory, and there is some state flag to indicate an interrupt occurred partway through. For example the PDP11 CIS instructions do this, using the First Part Done flag in the processor status word. For such instructions, breakpoint processing may take advantage of that mechanism; in effect the breakpoint looks like an interrupt partway through the execution.

If memory access breakpoints are implemented, write breakpoint testing is best done before the write, so the write can be skipped (rather than have to be explicitly reverted) on a match. The same may be useful for read breakpoints, since this allows a read breakpoint to be set for a memory mapped I/O device register for which reads have a side effect.

If memory access breakpoints are implemented, write breakpoint testing is best done before the write, so the write can be skipped (rather than have to be explicitly reverted) on a match. The same may be useful for read breakpoints, since this allows a read breakpoint to be set for a memory mapped I/O device register for which reads have a side effect.

Breakpoint classes

SIMH implements up to 8 breakpoint classes. Each breakpoint class has its own state. Thus, if the E, R, and W breakpoints are assigned to separate classes, each will be suppressed in turn until the next breakpoint test on that class that fails or that uses a different address.

Breakpoint classes are arbitrary identifiers and can be assigned by the simulator writer as desired. The class is specified as part of the breakpoint type in the call to sim_brk_test:


Class number (0 by default)


Bit mask of breakpoint types

Note that breakpoint classes and breakpoint types are orthogonal. Thus, classes can be used to distinguish different cases of the same breakpoint type. For example, in an SMP system with n processors, classes \(0..n-1\) could be used for E-breakpoints for processors \(0..n-1\). Or in a VAX, classes 1..6 could be used for data breakpoints on operands 1..6, with 0 reserved for the CPU’s E-breakpoints.